YUR Magazine Blog

Caution: The opinions expressed in this blog is not that of the magazine.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

4,599 votes.....

pic taken from www.nashvillecitypaper.com
... is a huge margin to win by, but that's exactly what mayor-Elect Karl Dean did to take the win as Cashville's new Head HMIC (head mayor in charge :-)

What do u guys think? Do u have faith that he will do what he said he would do? Quality education? Have Nashville's best interest at heart? hmmm

I wish I could have been at the Adventure Science Museum election night to join in the festivities. I absolutely love the fact that his first comment was about education, families, and cheerleading the cause of Nashville to have the best educational system possible.

But then again, dont they all say that? hmmm

And would u looky looky here, Nashville has a woman vice-mayor! hmmmmm. Will she be too sensitive? Will her and dean working together help move our education system along at a faster pace? Or will she be tough as nails and do what she has to do to play in a "man's world"?? ?

what about public safety?

Nows time to walk the walk. We the people voted for you. Are children are depending on you. Now What?

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